Let Reviewer For English Majors
What to Do With a B. A. in English After the appearance of my October Huffington blog, Why Study the Arts and the Humanities, I have often been asked the question, What can someone do with a B. A. in EnglishSome months ago I was giving a talk to an audience of over 1. New York Public Library on my book EndtimesCrisis and Turmoil at the New York Times. During the post talk question period, someone who wandered in a few minutes before and was standing on the side and apparently knew I was an English professor asked somewhat aggressively, And what do your students do Since I knew fifteen or so of my former undergraduate students were in the audience, my response was Lets ask them. And as I went around the room, they responded I graduated from Harvard Law school and now work for the city of New York I am at MOMA working on foundation relations after doing an M. A. in Museum Studies at NYU I work at Christies as a Junior specialist in European Furniture, porcelain, and decorative arts, after completing a Magister Literarum degree accredited through the University of Glasgow from Christies Education I am working in hospital administration I work in the financial industry I am preparing to take the law boards in a few months and am working as a paralegal I am an editor in a major publishing house I am a professor of English at a branch of CUNY I am in medical school in New York, and so on. Let Reviewer For English Majors Pdf' title='Let Reviewer For English Majors Pdf' />Other of my former undergraduate majors have become authors and journalists one won a Pulitzer not so long ago or have been successful in the theatre and film industry I was Christopher Reeves teacher and advisor. One is the founder of a major hedge fund. Directed by Martin Owen. With Jamie Bernadette, Kara Tointon, Isabelle Allen, Elliot James Langridge. A vision of augmented reality. Among those former English majors not in the audience, one writes for Janes, which specializes in defense and military technologies another for Brides and a third works for an ad agency. Others do technical and business writing or are excelling in various areas of library administration. Let Reviewer For English Majors Free DownloadBismillah hir Rehman nir Raheem Assalat o Wasalam o Allika Ya RasoolALLAH. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 7th Ed. English majors choose a major that not only challenges them intellectually but gives them pleasure. They love to read and think that reading matters. Or they hope to be writers and have taken courses in creative writing to test their potential as poets, fiction writers, and dramatists. They may have taken courses in expository writing to polish their skills or to see if the essay and other non fictional forms were their best genres for a writing career. English majors believe in education as an end, not merely as a stepping stone in the path to a career, but they are not necessarily impractical. They are idealists, but unless they have large trust funds or they expect an imminent inheritance or have immediate prospects for marrying into wealth, they need a career. What an English major brings to career possibilities is the ability to think critically, speak articulately, write lucidly and precisely, and to read powerfully, deftly, and with understanding of subtleties and nuances. They know how language works and have the written and oral skills to communicate effectively. The Obvious Possibilities English majors often go into teaching. In bygone years, we encouraged our best students to think about a getting Ph. D. and going into college teaching. Many of them did and had splendid careers. I recall being made to understand that I could get a Ph. D. and enter into the mysterious world of academics. It was almost like being tapped for a secret society. Now unless you really feel a calling akin to what I assume prospective clergy experience and are willing to teach anywhere in the country and perhaps at a small college with limited prestige or a two year community college, you should think twice about graduate work. You can have a wonderful career teaching at such places, and you will find good students and colleagues everywhere. You may end up at a prestigious place, but job opportunities are more limited than they were when I went to grad school 5. If you do apply to graduate school in English, it is often better to wait a year after graduation so if you graduate with honors or make Phi Beta Kappa, you have that on your application. Teaching secondary school is another option. Some Ph. D. s now teach at elite preparatory or public high schools, but the more traditional degree is a Masters degree in English and if your choice is elementary school, a Masters in Education. We used to say college teachers teach subject and high school teachers teach students. Total Overdose 1 Crack here. I like to think we both teach subject to students. Teaching subject at a top public school or private school can be challenging and exciting. Teach for America a two year commitment to teach at underserved schools has become a program that many of our students seek out and find rewarding. Similar programs such as New Yorks Urban Teaching Corps also exist. This could lead to a career teaching students who are most in need, but it can also be a prelude to more traditional secondary teaching andor public or private school administration. Teaching abroad is a possibility a number of programs exist for placing students in English speaking schools abroad andor teaching English as second language. The Peace Corps can be another teaching venue. But a BA in English is often a prelude to law school and even medical and dental school. Doing well on LSATS will make an English major as competitive for law school as any other major reading deftly, writing precisely, thinking critically, and speaking well are important skills for a law career. Some of our students pursuing medical careers have double majors in English and biology or chemistry, but not all. Double majoring in economics is a good idea if you want to go into the business world, especially investment banking. Other But Certainly Not All Possibilities English majors are often interested in becoming writers. Often the best way to pursue this is by getting an MFA Master of Fine Arts. The few years in a MFA program enable you to focus on writing and are also good preparation for a teaching position in a creative writing program, especially if you are getting work published in respectable venues. Many English majors become journalists. Several of my own Cornell students have done well in this field. Journalism now has expanded beyond print, radio, and TV broadcasting into the electronic media. In the past, a journalism degree was often a recommended path to a journalism career, but it is far from the only path. If you are interested in journalism, you need to get experience by writing for your college newspaper and to get summer internships in the media. Major papers sometimes hire students as part time stringers who submit stories that pertain to their campus. Unfortunately some of the best internships do not pay. Recent litigation on the issue of unpaid interns may mean some of the media companies will pull back on such internships, but perhaps they will offer a lesser number of paid ones. You may have a better chance of employment if you specialize in science writing, music reviews, etc. Unless you are very well connected, your first journalism position will not be with the New York Times, which tends to use other papers as a kind of farm system, and hire those writers whom they see as promising young stars. Smaller magazines and newspaper may pay less but will offer good opportunities for advancement.